Mission – Help FPO CEOs Double FPO Sales and CEO Salary Each Year

At Five Minutes Farmers, we have embarked on a mission to help FPO CEOs find out how to double FPO Sales and CEO salary each year.

As a part of this plan, we are starting a series of initiatives which will help us in this direction.

In this series, today, we will cover Initiative 1:

FPO CEOs – How to Double your FPO Sales and your Salary Every Year – Initiative 1: Free Phone Consultation By Five Minute Farmer Team

The following topics will be covered in this consultation

1. FPO Goals and CEO Role
2. FPO CEO Future Growth
3. Planning Decisions
4. Execution Decisions
5. Sales Decisions
6. Metrics

To book an appointment, please reach us using one of the methods given here:

  • Leave a comment in this post
  • Email us at farmers@fiveminutes.in
  • Whatsapp us at +91 99620 77572